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What does a logo do? Three key points of trademark design


Logo, which is the soul of a brand, symbolized the mission and cultural concept behind the company. If you plan to improve the recognition of your brand, the first step is to design a trademark logo that is able to tell a story. What elements does a logo contain? How to make your customers remember the brand logo? Today, we will introduce three key points of trademark logo design.

What does a logo do? Three key points of trademark design
What does a logo do? Three key points of trademark design

1. Recognition – stand out from competitors

Under such fierce market competition, logos and trademarks of same type of products are often similar; countless brands have fallen behind without anyone noticing. In order to differentiate from other competitors, we do not have to include the image of a specific product when we establish the brand trademark. Instead, we can start from the brand’s association to arouse the imagination of customers. Take Apple as an example. Compared to most other manufacturers that use brand names as trademarks, Apple uses “a bite of apple”. In addition to making people curious about the meaning behind, it successfully stands out from other brands on the market. Therefore, no matter it is a color, a character, an object or even a number, as long as the characteristics are distinctive, it creates noises for the brand.

What does a logo do? Three key points of trademark design
What does a logo do? Three key points of trademark design

2. Unity – carry through the brand image

Of course, a logo that is too “unique” can easily deliver an unprofessional feel. Therefore, when designing brand trademarks, we must also consider the industrial attributes of the brand, and then select the appropriate style, text and color. Take the fast food industry as an example, fast food chains such as McDonald’s, KFC, Subway, and Burger King have chosen to use red, yellow, and green colors to create a lively and vivid image. From logo color matching, restaurant design to brand positioning, they are all in line with the notion of “Fast Food” and arousing customers’ appetite; on the contrary, we rarely see these colors in finance or innovation and technology industries. Therefore, although uniqueness is an important indicator of designing trademarks, a good design must still maintain a balance between uniqueness and unity to achieve perfect integration.

What does a logo do? Three key points of trademark design
What does a logo do? Three key points of trademark design

3. Representativeness – Tell a story through the logo

As said at the beginning, a good logo design can bring out the brand story. Amazon’s logo combines their brand name with simple graphic design. The yellow smile curve not only symbolized Amazon’s service spirit of smiling to customers, but also links A to Z, representing Amazon’s wide varieties of products. We can see that the corporate value, business philosophy or company spirit of an enterprise can be embodied through a simple logo and become a successful marketing technique.