【How does Carousel Ad generate conversion?】

According to a survey conducted by Facebook, the average conversion cost of carousel advertisements is 50% lower than that of a single picture, and the average cost per click (CPC) is 30% lower. Lately, more and more brands will place carousel ads on Facebook and Instagram, utilising a series of images to display their products, services or promotions. Yet, it doesn’t mean that you can achieve favourable results by placing random images. To create good results for your carousel ads, you are recommended to use unique and eye-catching ways to boost visibility and achieve your marketing goals. So, how do different brands use carousel ads to their advantages?

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【Idol of the new generation-Virtual Influencer】

Everyone pays attention to internet celebrities on social platforms, however, have you ever thought that the celebrities you follow may not be a real person? With the rise of social platforms, many brands utilise influencer marketing to increase their exposure. Meanwhile, as artificial intelligence (AI) becomes increasingly sophisticated, a new type of online marketing, virtual KOL, has risen rapidly. And its interaction and reach rate have surpassed real-person celebrities. Like a real star, virtual influencers have a crucial influence on Gen Z that cannot be ignored. For example, GU model Yu and virtual influencer Imma have reached hundreds thousands of fans on Instagram. In the following session, we will show you how these brands make use of virtual influencers to stand out in the market.

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Let’s investigate consuming habits of Generation Z

Generation Z was born in the era of thriving technology, they had a close relationship and dependence with the development of technology. They are a young age-group who concern innovation and personalized experiences. For companies that want to keep up with the trends of the generation Z, you may refer to the following marketing strategies!

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Our youngest generation – Understand three characteristics of Generation Z

I believe most of you familiar with the difference between the 80s, 90s, and 00s. How about the Generation X, Y, and Z? Each generation has its own unique quality, do you know the contrast between them? Researchers typically use the mid-1990s to mid-2000s as starting birth years of Generation Z. Let’s explore the characteristics of Generation Z!

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The Power of Story

We started reading story books, listening to others stories and telling stories when we were small. There are different types of promotion strategies, storytelling is one of them. Stories can always evoke people’s emotions than facts, stories can also leave a deep impression in people’s minds.

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Y U No Use Memes for Marketing?

Walking on the street, you can see many young people using their smartphones, checking out different social media platforms. They not only want to catch up with their friends, but also want to read some hilarious post. Therefore, Memes become more popular on the Internet. Memes are usually some short texts, pictures or videos for humorous purpose. If Memes are used in a right way, it can be a special promotion scheme of your company.

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With increasing level of information, how to choose the right cloud computing service?

With increasing level of information in the society and economy, the demand for information services and cloud computing rise gradually. Cloud computing is the delivery of computing services, including servers, storage and databases etc, which help manage and store data on the network. Cloud computing helps run the infrastructure efficiently and scale or adjust as the business needs change. Cloud computing has several benefits, including security, reliability, performance, and speed. Let’s explore the following three companies which propose different cloud computing applications!

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3 Examples Telling You How To Build Marketing Strategies By Big Data

Nowadays, many companies are using big data to form their own marketing strategies. Through big data, companies can better understand the consumption pattern of the consumers, so as to build up different strategies for different groups of customers. This time, we will introduce 3 companies, which are using big data to improve their marketing strategies.

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