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New Creator Accounts on Instagram for High-Profile Users


Since the launch of Business Profiles in 2016, Instagram is now testing Creator Accounts with special features and insights tailored to influencers.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the new account type is currently being tested by a small group of users and is expected to roll out next year. The new account type includes features like:


It will allow creators to understand how their followers interact with the account. The data which will be collected across post feeds, IG Stories and IGTV, will show creators the trend and growth of their account followers, so that they can track and access the performance of each content update.


Creators can filter the direct messages by read, unread and flagged status. The tool will also be able to rank message requests by relevance or time to make sure a follow-up and response to important messages.


Using contacts and categories to help creators customize their contact method on Instagram, which can direct business or social inquiries to the right contact channel

Ashley Yuki, an Instagram product manager believes the new account profile will pull influencers and fans together, “We want to make sure that Instagram is the best place, and the easiest place, to build fan communities and also build personal brands.”

The new features in Creator Accounts would help high-profile users like celebrities, influencers and KOLs to manage and understand their fan base so as to create content and deliver the message, to the audience with the right channel, whether they publish a new social update, advertisement, or informative post. More features within the new profile type are to be announced that further optimize user experience on Instagram for influencers.