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How to become an outstanding KOL? Here are 3 tips for you!


No matter for Instagram or YouTube, various social platforms always recommend users some posts or videos according to users’ preferences, for example cooking, makeup, DIY and so on. Some of the posts are published by KOL (Key Opinion Leader).

Internet celebrity and KOL are both popular users of the Internet, but how are they different? KOL is usually someone who publishes his/her posts and videos continuously on social media and show his/her understanding and profession in certain aspects in order to highlight the personal experience to become someone with great influence. Internet celebrity such as Backpack Kid who uploaded his floss dance video on video and hit up to tens of thousands of views in a short period of time. Internet celebrity owns social media accounts, yet the reason why he/she becomes popular is that the celebrity post can grab people’s attention rather in an unintentional way.

To become a KOL, you should get to know which area you are familiar with, how to do your personal branding through this professional skills and how to attract audiences. If you find no way to start your KOL career, here are 3 tips that may help you!

1. Make use of your professional skills that you are interested in It can save your time on research, you will also have more passion to reach your goal. Taiwanese KOL — YIFANG’s Handmade uploads her videos of easy lunchbox recipes on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. The easy recipes reach many housewives’ hearts. Japanese TV station NHK recognised her videos and featured her in the TV program.

2. Exploit your strength to meet the market demand Some large-scale brands always receive negative comments from customers, nonetheless, there are lacking choices for the consumers, and they can hardly choose from brands that are available. If you have the determination and ability to enter the market, you should exploit your strength and make yourself stand out. Lady Flavour in Taiwan understands cats’ habits and behaviour. She found that the cat food isn’t healthy for cats, therefore she decided to work with nutritionists to make preservative-free cat food and available on her online store for the audience to purchase healthy cat food. Different from hard selling, Lady Flavour shares information about cats and cat food recipes through social media. Her professional image helps build up credibility.

3. Interact with your audiences KOL with good communication skills can enhance community cohesiveness and attract the audiences to stay tuned to the channel. Some fans also chatting with KOL and provide comments. KOL can know more audience’s interest and opinions, thus reflect some disadvantage and improve quality.