【How does Carousel Ad generate conversion?】

According to a survey conducted by Facebook, the average conversion cost of carousel advertisements is 50% lower than that of a single picture, and the average cost per click (CPC) is 30% lower. Lately, more and more brands will place carousel ads on Facebook and Instagram, utilising a series of images to display their products, services or promotions. Yet, it doesn’t mean that you can achieve favourable results by placing random images. To create good results for your carousel ads, you are recommended to use unique and eye-catching ways to boost visibility and achieve your marketing goals. So, how do different brands use carousel ads to their advantages?

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[Why provide a free trial? Three major appealing points of free trial]

Have you tried to be attracted by free products? Have you ever wondered why there are free trial products or services? In marketing, we often use free trial strategy to attract potential customers, especially for digital products or services. Take the audio-visual platform Netflix as an example: with its free trial strategy in marketing, Netflix once converted 80% of customers who enjoyed free services into paying customers. Why does the free trial make customers pay in the end? How can we play this strategy well?

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【Your color defines Your Brand-Color Psychology In Marketing 】

is sense, companies often utilise colour psychology to position their brands. Different colours bring different sensations; Once you master the colour strategy, your corporate image can be accurately built, sometimes even to a point where the customers may unconsciously perceive and remember your brand. Nonetheless, if you use colours in the wrong way, it could hamper the recognisability of your brand, resulting in loss of potential customers. In the following session, we will reveal the association between colour and marketing.

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【Understand Viral Marketing in 3 Steps】

What is Viral Marketing? Just as what you could imagine, it allows your brand to spread insanely as a virus. Take Coca-Cola as an example. The 'Share a Coke' campaign combined personalized "name bottle" with Hashtag as a call-to-action virus campaign (further reading: 【3 Successes of Personalisation from Coca-Cola】). In other words, the crucial key of viral marketing is to make consumers your best spokesperson. Next, let us slowly introduce the three main points of viral marketing.

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【3 Best Marketing Strategies to Target Moms】

Mother's Day can be said to be one of the campaigns that drives huge business opportunities. Many brands will use various marketing strategies to attract moms with amazing spending power. Of course, there is no lack of promotion on digital platforms. According to Facebook, 76% of mothers use social media every day, surpassing their usage of search engines and shopping platforms; What’s more, mothers spend an average of 25 days per month browsing Instagram, with an average of more than one hour every time! In this sense, if you want to successfully enter the moms’ market, you better cater to their social media habits. Today, let us take you through 3 online marketing strategies that target mothers.

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【#18 SEM vs SEO (5) ?】

SEO needs time? to develop for appear on SERP if your business and website has just stated. Therefore, SEM is your best choice? for this period of time. When your business getting more developed?, SEO would be the way to get through bottleneck on business development. SEO is still the best way when you are kickstarting your business▶️

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【Less Is More? Negative Space in Web Design】

Whether it is a website, an APP or a product design, proper negative space is necessary. If your website is overly busy and complex, such as filling all space with contents, your potential customers will be hard to concentrate, and your brand may soon lose their attention. Thus, a good negative space design can be said as an integral for user experience, as well as the best supporting tool to highlight your promotional content. Next, we will demonstrate the importance of utilising white space in UI design.

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