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【How does Carousel Ad generate conversion?】


According to a survey conducted by Facebook, the average conversion cost of carousel advertisements is 50% lower than that of a single picture, and the average cost per click (CPC) is 30% lower. Lately, more and more brands will place carousel ads on Facebook and Instagram, utilising a series of images to display their products, services or promotions. Yet, it doesn’t mean that you can achieve favourable results by placing random images. To create good results for your carousel ads, you are recommended to use unique and eye-catching ways to boost visibility and achieve your marketing goals. So, how do different brands use carousel ads to their advantages?

What is a carousel advertisement?

Carousel advertisements allow brand owners to place multiple pictures for potential customers to swipe through and link to the brand’s official website/application. Take Facebook carousel advertisements as an example. You can put 2-5 pictures, as well as videos, links and CTA text on a single advertisement, and demonstrate featured products or services to target customer groups. Once you can use carousel advertising strategically, your advertisements will make your product stand out in the market. In this sense, we must first understand how to show your selling points through carousel photos.

Telling stories with images

The sorting of carousel ads can bring out your brand story, which impresses customers in a way that is superior to traditional data and text. Take Smile Direct Club as an example: the brand utilises the extending feature of carousel photos, allowing audiences to view the photo story slide by slide. Such strategy has skillfully merged their brand characteristics. If you are running an online store, you can also introduce product details through a series of pictures. You can now fully display your product line with just one advertisement.

Displaying product catalog

If your brand has diversified products or services, you can create carousel advertisements for the same series. Take the Nike carousel ads in the above picture as an example. A uniform design style, colour tone and layout create brand consistency, which not only achieves a more unified visual effect, but also enhances brand recognition. 

If you are right interested in launching carousel advertisements on Facebook, feel free to contact us for more information.