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【3 Best Marketing Strategies to Target Moms】


Mother’s Day can be said to be one of the campaigns that drives huge business opportunities. Many brands will use various marketing strategies to attract moms with amazing spending power. Of course, there is no lack of promotion on digital platforms. According to Facebook, 76% of mothers use social media every day, surpassing their usage of search engines and shopping platforms; What’s more, mothers spend an average of 25 days per month browsing Instagram, with an average of more than one hour every time! In this sense, if you want to successfully enter the moms’ market, you better cater to their social media habits. Today, let us take you through 3 online marketing strategies that target mothers.

1.Mother KOL

When using social platforms, most mothers pay attention to influencers who are also moms.These mother KOLs have “micro-influencers” with the role of mothers. Compared with traditional stars, these KOLs may not have a large fan base, but they are all micro-influencers with high engagement rates that shouldn’t be underestimated. Lately, many brands would choose to cooperate with mom KOLs with nice images, such as inviting them to unpack and share certain products, or try their organic slimming probiotics. As a result, they receive a pretty good reach performance and number of views. Moreover, the attached product link in their post can shorten the purchasing journey of targeted mothers, hence driving higher intention of buying your products than traditional TV advertisements.

2.Blogs and forums 

Apart from Facebook and Instagram, some parent-child blogs and forums also contain a large number of potential customers. In order to persuade mothers to buy higher-priced products, they would like to hear from the experiences of actual users rather than advertising, and parent-child forums (such as BabyKingdom) are gathering a group of mothers who are active to share their product using experience. It is easier to get their trust through Word of Mouth. In addition, blogs can also introduce your products in more detail, hence, a stronger attraction to potential consumers who have been hesitating.

3.Brand Resonance

Besides ‘mom’, mother also holds the roles of ‘wife’ and ‘mother-in-law’. When we are considering mother’s day tactics, we should expand our target customers and understand mothers’ surrounding community. As an advertiser, you have to engage with customers’ habits and raise their resonance, instead of reassuring them that your product is good. Take Shiseido‘s 60 anniversary microfilms as an example, it illustrates a heart-warming story of a mother and a daughter, and has successfully aroused discussion noise of their consumers.Once we connect our products to a unique meaning or memory, we would be able to build brand recognition through soft sell.