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【#11 SEM & SEO Similarity (2) ?】


We have mentioned SEO and SEM before and they seem to be two different strategies. SEM is actually a strategy in general and SEO is a branch of SEM, therefore, they are having a degree of similarity.

3.Understand the demand of your target audience

You have to have an understanding of your consumers and their consumption patterns?️ to use that two strategies efficiently. By researching consumer psychology?, you will know their demand thoroughly and able to create attractive and useful content. This content will be displayed when consumers search keywords on search engine?.

4.Research on Keywords is Crucial

The first step of using SEM and SEO is having research? on keywords for designing suitable keywords. This research should include keyword trends and the competition status to filter out keywords and related information searched by consumers?. Also, these researches can be getting information about keywords used by your competitor and help you to encounter that competition⚔️.