China Market Advertising

iBorn Media is dedicated to helping businesses enter the Chinese market by offering various marketing solutions. Our main services include advertising on Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book), Douyin (TikTok), and WeChat.

Besides the aforementioned Chinese market advertising services, iBorn Media also offers other Chinese marketing channels to help various enterprises expand into the Chinese market.


Marketing Plan: 

  • iBorn Media utilizes multi-channel marketing to maximize target audience reach. 
  • Various advertisements are launched on Chinese platforms, including Tencent’s browsers, business and innovation technology platforms (Youdao, 36kr, Maimai). While attracting a wide audience’s attention, it also improves ad precision. 
  • UnionPay consumption data is used to identify high-net-worth individuals. 
  • Through Baidu SEM search keyword advertising, targeting education-related, brand, and competitor keywords to attract high-potential audiences. 
  • Promotional messages are delivered through various ad formats, including splash screen ads, in-feed ads, and banner ads.
