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【Gamify your Brand! 3 examples of gamification strategy】


Have you ever been crazy about a game , thinking about collecting points and rankings every day? What will happen when we combine addictive games with marketing tactics? In fact, global brands such as Nike, Starbucks, and Google have used gamification to increase interaction with customers; By adding interesting and playful elements, your target audiences are more likely to recognize you. Excellent games not only boost clients’ engagement levels, but also build up their brand loyalty. Next, let’s take a look at how these well-known brands use gamification strategy to attract target audiences in the right way.

【Gamify your Brand! 3 examples of gamification strategy】

1.GU Jam Your Music Fashion

GU, a fashion chain from Japan, launched their short-term online game in 2017 that allowed players to mix and match their own GU outfits (tops, bottoms, shoes and accessories). Each item has a corresponding rhythm. When players complete the outfit, they will get a full-composed song as well, which could be further reposted on social media. Such branded mini-game not only initiate consumers to interact, but also make customers remember your products or services unconsciously. It could be said as a silver bullet for businesses to showcase their messages or services.

2.Coca-cola Shake it
When it comes to creative marketing, we can always think of Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola once launched a free game application “Chok”. “Chok” encourages users to shake their phones when Coca-cola’s TV commercials come out at a certain time, so as to obtain discounts at their partner stores. Such unique interacting forms and hidden discounts create huge entertainment for young people. After the game was launched, it became top rank in appstore, and its advertisements reached millions of views ultimately. Coca-Cola’s gamified marketing tactics have combined TV advertising with mobile phone applications to achieve big sales success.

【Gamify your Brand! 3 examples of gamification strategy】

3.McDonald’s Monopoly

Have you ever collected McDonald’s “Monopoly” card? McDonalds once mixed the traditional Monopoly game in their selling strategy. When consumers purchased McDonald’s products, they could get a certain color of Monopoly sticker, while a game map was attached to the plastic plate. If you got the same series of Monoplay stickers, you could obtain McDonald’s discounts or participate in a lucky draw. Compared with direct discount strategy, this type of funny game mode seems to fascinate clients more, and stimulate their in-depth desire of achievement and triumph. Such entertainment has turned into great success in sales performance. Of course, in order to master gamification marketing and strive for real results, remember to keep the game content consistent with your brand image.