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Touching Your Heart – Microfilm Marketing


Stories can always touch people’s hearts. Microfilm marketing is extremely popular these days. Many people love watching microfilm, but how does microfilm marketing work?

The difference between film and microfilm is the word ‘micro’. In general, microfilm is shorter and the production scale is much smaller than the film. Yet, there is no single definition of the length of microfilm, normally, people call a film under 90 minutes as microfilm.

Kee Wah Bakery Chinese bridal cake microfilm advertisement leaves a good impression on audiences. The TV ad version of microfilm is only around 16 seconds long, but Kee Wah Bakery reminds the audiences to watch the whole microfilm online at the end of the ad. The whole microfilm is around 4.5 minutes long, illustrating a pair of couple breaks up because of quarrels. When the man is packing to leave, both of them realise that they still love each other. They remember every moment when they were together. At last, they get back together. The director tried to show all sweet and sad moment, which many of the couples have experienced. “I want to be with you” and “I do”, the dialogue indicates that the couple is going to open a new page in their life and get married. This reminds the viewers of Kee Wah Chinese bridal cakes. In the microfilm, you can only find the logo of Kee Wah Bakery, but you will not find any Kee Wah Bakery products directly shown in the microfilm.

Even brands are using microfilm as an advertisement, it is not necessary to film or mention the products. The reason why audiences like watching microfilm advertisements instead of TV ads is that microfilm is more dramatic and not that hard-selling, which to audiences, is worth watching. Brands can also consider increasing the connection between the theme and the product. This kind of microfilm advertisement is not that informative, it is better to be used for building brand image, demonstrating the concept behind.

As different audiences have different preferences, some companies film a series of microfilm for the different target audiences and promote different products.

Shiseido Taiwan filmed 2 microfilms during 60 anniversary to promote its lipstick and sun spray. The theme of the microfilms is ‘keep moving forward’. The lipstick ad illustrates the story of a mother and a daughter. The mother told her daughter that with red lipstick, people could walk with confidence. The girl did not understand when she was young. However, now, the red lipstick gives her courage and confidence to step into the interview room and she finally understands ‘red is the color of hope and the color of moving forward’. The sun spray ad is about life, illustrating a girl who loves running but she hurts her leg which forces her to give up running but she does not give up on herself. Instead, the girl explores her potential and keep moving forward.

Different from Kee Wah Bakery microfilm, the products do appear in the Shiseido microfilm ads yet not in a deliberate way. The Shiseido microfilms have attracted over 700 thousand viewers and many audiences share their own stories about lipstick. It has drawn extensive market attention successfully.

Even if it is an advertisement, with impressive plot, it can still touch people’s heart.